亨利·W. 肯德尔,1926 - 1999



1926年生于波士顿, 亨利·Way Kendall was encouraged early in life to explore his strong interest in mechanical, chemical and electrical phenomena as well as his passion for the outdoors. 在他上大学之前, 肯德尔不是一个好学生, first because of a learning disability that he later overcame, and then because he found the world outside of school much more interesting than the one within.

1945年,肯德尔进入美国商船学院, and he was in basic training when the first atom bombs were launched over Japan. 当时, Kendall said “I was unaware of the human side of these events and only recall a feeling that some of the last secrets of nature had been penetrated and that little would be left to explore.” He would later become deeply committed to arms control and nuclear disarmament issues, 这让我成为了美国政府的顾问.S. Defense Department in the early 1960s and later to his commitment to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Kendall resigned from the Merchant Marine in 1946 and became a freshman at Amherst College. “虽然我大学时学的是数学专业, 我对物理很感兴趣, 我在这个领域做了本科研究并写了一篇论文. 但历史, 英语和生物都是最吸引人的, and there was a period early on when any one of those might have ended up as the major subject.”


In 1950, Kendall entered MIT’s School of Physics, where he got his PhD. He spent two years as a National 617888九五至尊娱乐 Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT and the Brookhaven National Laboratory before joining the physics faculty at Stanford. 在斯坦福大学, Kendall met the two men with whom he would share the Nobel Prize in Physics, 杰罗姆·弗里德曼和理查德·泰勒.

五年后, Kendall returned to MIT as a faculty member and reestablished his collaboration with Friedman, 他比我早一年来到麻省理工学院, 和泰勒, who was group leader at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). Their joint Nobel Prize was awarded in 1990 “for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics.”

In 1969 Kendall was one of the faculty members who played a critical role in the founding of UCS following a teach-in organized by a group of scientists and students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to protest the militarization of scientific research and to promote science in the public interest. 在他的余生中, 肯德尔积极参与加州大学洛杉矶分校的517888九五至尊娱乐, serving as longtime chair of the UCS board and always pushing the organization to innovate, 去冒险, 永远不要满足于现状.


肯德尔是一个认真的学生和617888九五至尊娱乐家, 但他从未忘记学院外的世界. 在他本科期间, 他和一个朋友开始对潜水感兴趣, and in typical Kendall fashion this interest turned into more than just a pastime, as the two men started a small 潜水 and salvage company and wrote and published successful books on shallow-water 潜水 and underwater photography. “这些活动, 主要是自学成才的, were a good introduction to two skills very helpful in later experimental work: seeing projects through to successful conclusions and doing them safely.”

在他作为物理学家的职业生涯中, Kendall continued to be an active outdoorsman—mountaineering, 山摄影, 潜水, 水下摄影充满了激情. He made climbing trips to the Andes, the Himalayas, and the Arctic. His premature death in 1999 came during a scuba 潜水 trip with the National Geographic Society in Wakulla Springs, 佛罗里达.